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Custom Controls for Visual Basic

 VISUALDAQ Custom Controls for Visual Basic

VisualDAQ is a set of Visual Basic Custom Controls for OMEGA's data acquisition hardware. The custom controls consist of A/D, D/A, digital input, and digital output. The VisualDAQ controls provide an easy interface to interact with OMEGA's data acquisition hardware. By using the Visual Basic controls, a Window's application can be written in a relatively short time, but maintain a professional look.

Custom controls provide a list of properties that permit easy access to programming the parameters of a data acquisition board. During design time, a dialog box with a list of these properties is provided for point and click settability. These properties are also accessible during run time. For instance, the hardwares trigger settings are programmed via properties such as TrigSource, TrigMode, TrigSlope, etc. In other words, the hardware is described with these settable properties and then only a few commands are used. These commands or methods are things such as Arm, Trigger, and Stop. Hence, the VBXs help make the distinction between what are the characteristics of the system (based on the property settings) versus, what are the commands that need to be sent to the system.

The VBXs also provide a set of events that provide procedure stubs where you only need to insert your code between the Sub and End Sub statements. This code will be executed whenever the event occurs.

Supported DAS Hardware:
IOP-241, DA8P-12, DAQP-12, DAQP-16, DAQ-16, DAQ-801, DAQ-802, DAQ-1201, DAQ-1202

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